Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Days 32-34

I feel like I've been slack in posting but I did have a cold and any thoughts were about sleeping rather than writing (or sex).  However, I am well again and back to posting.

Today was a non-cage day (for reasons I won't go into) so I decided to try something I rather like doing.  It involves trying to find someone to whack me in the balls.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not into ball bashing per se but I do like it happening by 'chance'.  The trick is to find someone to (sort of) run into.  I have found escalators work quite well.

Today I had to catch a Tube on the Jubilee Line which has two very long escalators.  Being the middle of the day means there's a lot of day trippers on the Tube who are not necessarily aware of the Stand on the Right rule.  This means you tend to get some who stand in the middle or who have at least some of their body over the imaginary halfway line.

The first escalator gave no joy as I ran down it but the second had a group of three girls sort of crowded on two steps.  I stopped to look at my watch, giving them time to get a bit down the escalator then I took off after them.  And I did it perfectly! 

One of the girls was swinging her arm around, talking about something and her hand caught me right between the legs.  A perfect shot.  She instantly apologised, her hands going to her mouth.  One of her friends was laughing while the other (with her back to me) wanted to know what was going on.  I stammered out an 'it's ok' and managed to get passed them to the next step where I stood, a bit doubled, to recover.

Of course, it not only hurt but it also made me quite hard.  The girls just kept laughing until we reached the bottom when the girl who had hit me apologised again.  I smiled faintly, clearly in agony.  I was very happy with this result which I think indicates the level of my frustration.

In the afternoon I was walking home when I spotted a jogger.  There's a lot of joggers in the park near me, mostly women during the day and nearly all of them wearing lycra shorts with obvious camel toes.  I don't get this.  I figure that women do not like them (men really do, I can assure you) so can only imagine they don't look in a mirror before going out.

I saw two today, both of whom had incredible camel toes.  The first was wearing black shorts and showing a lot of lower cleavage.  Tearing my eyes away from her crotch, I noticed she also had very big and hard nipples. 

The second jogger was wearing white lycra shorts.  I have to say, she's pretty brave.  White does not hide anything.  After she'd run by me I felt I'd seen everything she had to offer.

Now this is SO not a criticism.  I love it and would like to thank these (and other) ladies who are happy to flash the toe for appreciative males.

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