Sunday, 11 September 2011

Day 101

It is with mixed feelings that I head towards my release.  Naturally I want to have an orgasm (even a ruined one would be welcome) but it has been so long now that it feels like ‘giving in’.  Of course, depending on what the marbles decide, I may not get an orgasm at all tomorrow.

Speaking of ruined orgasms...I just read an interesting blog post about one here:  Ruined Orgasm by jnuts

I have been very busy for the last two days (which has been quite a good thing) and, I’m pretty sure, I missed my cycle day.  I reason this because whenever I sit and think for a bit, I start to get hard and strong feelings of wanting to fuck, course through me.  It’s also dangerous touching myself so I am avoiding this as much as I can.  Sadly I am unable to wear the cage until tomorrow.  I must be strong.  And work through it.

In the shower tonight, I realised how harsh I am with my balls.  I use a big scrubbing brush and give them a fairly ferocious going over.  Of course, it's easy knowing how hard or where to hit them when you're attached.  That's why accidental (but well directed) collisions are always best.

Have heard from A about the marbles tomorrow.  She clearly does not want me to get a white marble!  Glad she's enjoying it too.

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