Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Day 13

My night with N...It was all a bit disappointing in sexual terms.  We discussed the sph thing and I told him about sharing K when my fetish originated.  He was a bit shocked about the sharing.

I told him that K’s boyfriend used to call me LP.  While clearly short for Little Penis, it also referred to the fact that I had a lot of vinyl records.  This meant he could use the nickname in any company, explaining it as appropriate.  N thought this was clever to some extent.  None of it is true.  The LP part anyway. 

I was hoping for a better reaction but all N gave me was solemn understanding.  I think A is right.  He is offering me sympathy rather than playing the game.  While this is a lovely trait in terms of friendship, it sucks when it comes to sph.

He asked about how I find people to humiliate me and I explained about sph forums and contact lists online.  We could have been talking about his day at work for all the excitement it created.  Still, the nervous anticipation of yesterday, leading up to his arrival was worth having.

This morning was a bit odd.  N has his shower then comes downstairs dressed and ready for work.  He has a cup of tea and we chat a bit before he goes.  I’m always in my pyjamas.  I was very aware of the cage peeking out from the leg of my shorts while we talked (I didn’t need to tell him about the chastity thing) and kept wiggling about while we talked.

As well as the cage, I was in a heightened state of arousal for some reason.  All a bit uncomfortable.

The day went by without too much tension apart from the train ride back from London.  Sitting across the aisle from me was a couple doing everything but actually fucking.  Lots of hands in lots of places.  I found this very exciting, sneaking glances whenever I could.  They didn’t seem to mind.  I particularly liked it when she put her hand down the front of his jeans.  I really wanted to thank them but they left the train before I did.

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