Thursday, 9 June 2011

Day Seven

Well, after the high sex charge of yesterday, today was a bit of a damp squibb.  Having replaced the cage when I returned home, I spent another disturbed night but, thankfully, less disturbed than yesterday.  Clearly, my penis is getting used to the confines.  Perhaps I'm losing a little bit of length by wearing it.  It would be quite ironic if, after 90 days, I actually HAD a 4" penis!

I wore jeans today and the cage felt more obvious than in the shorts.  I noticed a woman checking it out while I waited in Starbucks for a coffee.  It looks like I have a stubby little erection.  She didn't look interested or disgusted, just curious.

The other thing about the cage is how much it squashes my balls.  Because of the continual pressure as a result of erections, the ring at the back of the cage pushes forward, forcing my balls into a tighter and tighter space.  They do not get a chance to hang down like they normally do.  This is another source of constant reminder that I'm confined.  I'm sure this isn't good for them but I figure my time of making babies is well passed.  I'd rather they turned blue.

My apologies for needing a shave but this is what they look like most of the time.  Also from this shot, you could believe I had a small penis!

I watched a great porn video of a housewife enjoying a young guy with a huge cock.  Apart from turning me on, her reactions when he first puts it in and starts pumping remind me so much of watching K.  Loved it.

I have no idea how a husband could manage to hold the camera steady while this was going on.  I know I wouldn't be able to.  I'd be far too shakey.

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