UPDATE: The cage had to come off on Saturday and not returned until this morning. I was also a little bit busy and unable to blog. Not that there was anything to blog about.
This morning, I had great difficulty replacing the cage. I had a semi that refused to go down. I tried cold water, thinking about really non-sexual things, ice...nothing worked. I decided I'd just have to ignore it for a bit, wait for it to shrivel and then stage a surprise attack.
This actually worked surprisingly well. To be honest, I completely forgot about it. I spent some time in the garden, weeding when I popped inside to go to the loo. The cage was sitting by the sink. I was very small. It went on as easy as anything.
Of course it then became quite angry about being tricked so easily but it was too late. With every increase in size, the cage just felt tighter.
Seriously though, I have felt very frustrated all day. I started thinking that it would be very easy to just masturbate. That it was my own challenge anyway. Maybe I could even pretend I hadn't when A checked. But this was all madness. It was just a test. The old 67 day hurdle.
I remain intact and clearly in extreme frustration.
A close call.