A day in the cage which meant a day in a pinch. I was sitting, happily, at my PC, researching away, not realising that the cage had slipped down the side of my leg. This isn’t normally a problem since, normally, I have shorts on but in jeans, this can be quite another matter.
Sitting in the same position is fine. Then you move and the pinching begins. You try and adjust the cage in the tight confines of the denim but this merely moves your balls into a position that causes them more than a little discomfort.
Now the discomfort I actually enjoy – although I can do this without the cage – but the pinching drives me crazy.
Highlight of the day was sending A an image and being told I did the right thing without being prompted. I was glad because I wasn’t sure whether she’d want me to or not.
Sadly, the cage came off at 3:30pm as I left for home though I made sure my balls were well placed in my jeans so I’d be uncomfortable on the way. If you get them just right, while sitting on the train, you can push your legs together every now and then and delight in the mild pain. It makes me imagine how much fun it would be if a woman was sitting on my lap, squashing them properly. I also thought about A whacking my balls when I'm not expecting it. This gave me an unnecessary erection.
I realised something today: chastity is like alcohol, the longer it lasts, the sexier people get. I find myself mentally drooling over people and body parts which normally I would ignore. I caught myself trying to look down the cleavage of a granny today just because she was bending over and her dress was the slightest bit loose at the top. Of course I couldn’t see anything and I’m not sure whether I’d have liked it anyway but it didn’t stop me trying.
'unnecessary erection' hahahaha! :D