Saturday, 13 August 2011

Day 72

I am presently reading a book by Charles Runel (MD) describing a system of male sexual improvement called Integrative Sex Transmutation.  I've downloaded the PDF version which a kind person linked to in the Chastity Forum (thank you).

In a nutshell, Dr Runel has outlined a way to maintain erections, increase libido and generally improve a man's sex life, regardless of age and lifestyle.  I'm only halfway through but basically he has collected information from old texts and added his own findings to create an Idiot's Guide to better sex.

The central tenet appears to be that sexual energy is dispelled by the act of ejaculation.  He believes that this energy should be maintained by enjoying sex, penetrative as well as not, without ejaculation and then be poured into other areas of  man's life.  He advocates orgasm without ejaculation except at the end of a man's sex cycle.  In a way, he believes in chastity.

A man's sex cycle is, according to Dr Runel, a period of time determined by age.  Roughly, a man should divide his age by 5 to work out when his cycle is complete.  For instance, in my case, it would be 11 days.  Dr Runel claims that I should only ejaculate every 11 days.

To work out when this cycle starts and finishes, he advises that a man should have a full ejaculation then wait until the need to ejaculate returns.  During this period of abstinence, he writes that it is important for a man to not think about sex, pouring the latent energy into other areas of life - sport, creativity, work, etc.  A simple mark on a calendar then charts the progress.

He also promises how to teach the reader to orgasm without ejaculation.  I'm very interested in how this can be achieved and will report on it as soon as I get to it in the book.

The book is for men (he warns women NOT to practice any of the exercises as it could be dangerous) but he does venture into female sexuality as a guide for the reader.  He speaks, early on, about the 9 levels of female orgasm, claiming that when a man lasts a very long time without ejaculation, it is easier for a female to achieve her full quotient of pleasure.

He promises that a man can have full penetrative sex with his partner, giving her a lot of pleasure then, while she recovers, go for a jog in order to 'transmute' his sexual energy in order to start again if his partner so wishes.  I'd be interested to know whether A has been through all 9 levels!  He promises to discuss all 9 levels in greater depth later on.

While very interesting, the doctor is, clearly, a committed Christian and I find myself skipping over any sentences that mention god, priests and/or religion.  Still, regardless of this, so far it is a very interesting read and I look forward to reporting on my later findings.

I have been toying with maintaining this blog beyond the 90 day mark, chronicling my sexual moods and adventures.  If I do, then Dr Runel's book may come in for some extensive testing!

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